Arimardan Kumar Tripathi


☀   Linguist || Academician || Writer  ☀


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      +91 8005459243 || +91 3463 450042 || 7063876259

    Postal Address: Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, District: Birbhum, West Bengal, India, PIN: 731235

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Area of Interest

    Part of Speech Tagging, Machine Translation, Information Retrieval, DBMS, Corpus Management, Computational Lexicography, Anaphora Resolution, Discourse Analysis, Linguistic Ecology, Language Documentation and Language & Linguistics

Work Experience

  • Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru:  Worked as Language Specialist at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru.

  • Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru:  Worked as Senior Technical Officer in Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages (LDC-IL).

  • Microsoft India:  Worked as a Translator and Evaluator in Caption Language Interface Pack (CLIP) for Microsoft India.

  • Sanskrit University: Taught as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi.

  • NEHU: Worked as a Computational Linguist in English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT) - Bodo at Department of Linguistics, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.

  • Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan: Working as a Faculty Member at Centre for Endangered Languages (CFEL), Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal (India)

  1. High School: U.P. Board, with Subject of Art Group in 1998.
  2. Intermediate: U.P. Board, with Subject of Art Group in 2000.
  3. B.A.: Ewing Christian College with Hindi, Political Science & English in 2003.
  4. M.A.: Department of Language Technology at MGAHV, Wardha in (Hindi) Language Technology in 2007.
  5. M.Phil.: Department of Language Technology at MGAHV, Wardha on Semantic Net Based Hindi Information Retrieval System
  6. PhD: Department of Language Technology at MGAHV, Wardha on Anaphora Related Discourse Analysis and Natural Language Processing
  7. Diploma: MGAHV, Wardha in Journalism in 2007.
  8. National Eligibility Test: Linguistics, June-2009.


  1. Co-organizer: of an academic event entitled ‘sabaal: Substantiating, Blending and Augmenting Linguistics’ at Hindi Bhavan, New Delhi on 23rd April 2017.
  2. Coordinator: Training Program-cum-Workshop for Enumerators at CFEL, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan during 28-29th July 2018.
  3. Coordinator: National Seminar on Debating Indian Aspirational Languages: DIAL-2018 at Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, in collaboration with the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi during 9-11th Sep 2018.
  4. Coordinator: A joint academic event titled Indian Multilingualism: Policy and Practices and Adi Vyakhyan 06: National Seminar on “Preserving Tribal Languages Using Innovative Technology” jointly organized by Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati and National Tribal Research Institute, New Delhi on 12-13th of September 2024.
  5. Coordinator: Many workshops focused on marginal languages at CFEL, Visva-Bharati since 2017.

Special Lecture/Role

  1. Resource Person: Contributed to syllabus designing of M.Sc. Linguistics and Language Sciences at Central University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan, on 6th April 2019.
  2. Speaker: Delivered Plenary Talk in SCONLI-13 at IIT-ISM Dhanbad on 24th Jan, 2019.
  3. Chairperson: Chaired a session on Language Communication and Development in National Conference on Language Pedagogy at Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer during 11-13rd December, 2019.
  4. Member: Worked as a member of review committee for syllabus of master program of Department of Linguistics and Natural Language Processing at Odia University, Puri, Odisha in 2023.
  5. Resource Person: Contributed as a Resource Person in developing a policy document through the workshop titled “Development of a Teacher's Guidebook for Teachers teaching tribal and minority languages at the Middle Stage of School Education”, organised by NCERT, New Delhi, from 16-20 July 2024.
  6. Chairperson: Chaired a session (online) on "Exploring literature, oral stories, and living traditions on tribal freedom fighters and community's participation in the struggle against the British Empire" in Aadi-Vyakhyan: Symposium on Tribal Freedom Fighters at National Tribal Research Institute on 25th November, 2024.
  7. Chairperson: Chaired a session on 'Impact of Globalisation on Regional Languages and Cultures' in a National Seminar at the University of North Bengal, New Jalpaiguri, on 18th December 2024

Invited Lectures/Presented Papers

  1. Language and Power-Politics in 28th All India Conference of Linguists organized at Department of Linguistics, BHU, Varanasi during 2-4th November, 2006.
  2. Dominance of English, New Generation and Hindi in international seminar on aṁgrejī kā varcasva tathā dakṣiṇa eśiyā ke deśoṃ kī bhāṣāoṃ kā saṃkaṭa at BBP, Kolkata during 26-28 May, 2007.
  3. Distance Universities: Myth and Realty in national seminar on bhārata meṃ dūra śikṣā : cunautiyāṁ evaṃ saṃbhāvanāeṁ' at MGAHV, Wardha in collaboration of IGNOU, New Delhi during 27- 28th March, 2009.
  4. Linguistics and Language Technology in national seminar organized by Central Hindi Institute, Mysore in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore during 25-26th Feb, 2010.
  5. Patriarchal Features of Language in national Seminar on Women Empowerment: Dimension, Direction & Future organized by Ewing Christian College, Allahabad during 28-29th August, 2010.
  6. Hindi Translation after the Post-Colonial era in a workshop organized by Gulbarga University, Karnataka on 29th October, 2011.
  7. Language Technology: A New Trend in Linguistics in a workshop organized by Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi during 29-30th January, 2012.
  8. Current Aspects of Discourse Analysis in national seminar on Linguistics and Language Technology: Various Aspects of Contemporary Discourse organized by MGAHV, Wardha during 22- 24th February, 2012.
  9. Language Teaching: An Introduction in a workshop organized by Room to Read, New Delhi during 13th Dec, 2013.
  10. Role of Technology in Primary Education in a workshop organized by Room to Read, New Delhi during 14th Dec, 2013.
  11. Language : Teaching, Preservation and Technique in national Seminar cum Meet on Minor, Minority and Tribal Languages in School Education conducted by NCERT, New Delhi during 21-23rd January, 2014.
  12. Compress Expressions in wider communications in a national seminar organized by Presidency University, Kolkata during 23-24th Feb, 2015.
  13. Marching ahead of Hindi with Official Language Implementation and Information Technology in a program organized by Power Grid Corporation at Guwahati on 2nd March, 2015.
  14. Challenges in Digital Spreading of Official Language Hindi: Prospects and Solutions in a program organized by Indian Oil Corporation at Guwahati on 20th March, 2015.
  15. Role of technique in language documentation in national seminar on All India Conference on Regional Languages organized by Punjabi Bhasha Academy, Jalandhar during 10-12th Oct, 2015.
  16. Status of official language Hindi in national seminar on official language during 14-15th September, 2016 at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
  17. Teaching through Mother tongue and role of Machine Translation: Indian Perspective in a national seminar on “Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning of Languages in School Education- The Indian Scenario” during 16-17th March, 2017 at NCERT, Delhi.
  18. Man-Machine Interface in a national seminar on Language Technology and Language Teaching during 20-21st April, 2017 at KHS, Agra.
  19. Strategies for Linguistic Conflict and Protection: Reference Northeast India in a national workshop on Languages of North East: Conservation and Promotion organized at Dera Natung Govt. College, Itanagar during 11-13rd August, 2017.
  20. Official Language and Technique in national seminar on official language during 14-15th September, 2017 at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
  21. Bharat, India and Indianness in national seminar on Revisiting Indology and Sanskrit in India during 21-22nd September, 2017 at NEHU, Shillong.
  22. Role of India in Modern Science and Technique in national seminar on ‘‘sāhitya, saṃskṛti evaṃ vijñāna'’ organized by BARC, Mumbai during 17-18th November, 2017 at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
  23. Interface of Technique and Indian Languages in national seminar on “bhāratīya bhāṣāoṃ meṃ vaijñānikatā evaṃ ekātmakatā” during 14-15th March, 2018 at Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar.
  24. Documenting Marginality: Role of Technique in Training Program-cum-Workshop for Enumerators organized at CFEL, VB on 19th March, 2018.
  25. Languages and Democracy in national seminar on “bhāṣā, samāja evaṃ saṃskṛti” during 21-22nd March, 2018 at NCERT, New Delhi.
  26. Linguistic Field Work with Reference to Endangered Languages in Training Program-cum-Workshop for Enumerators organized at CFEL, VB during 28-29th July, 2018.
  27. Role of IT in Language Documentation & Revitalization in Training Program-cum-Workshop for Enumerators organized at CFEL, VB during 28-29th July, 2018.
  28. Hegemony of Language & Technology in Sangman (a literary forum) organized at Guwahati during 1st & 2nd Oct, 2018.
  29. Anaphora Resolution: A Knowledge Based Approach in SCONLI-13 organized at IIT-ISM Dhanbad during 24 & 25 Jan, 2019.
  30. Special Lectures (3) on Linguistics for M.A. students at MGAHV, Kolkata organized during 13th to 15th March, 2019.
  31. Technical application in the implementation of the Official Language in one day conference organized by State Bank of India, Kolkata on 15th March, 2019.
  32. Measuring Linguistic Endangerment in India: A Parametric Approach in Mediating Multilingualism: An Indo-Scottish Colloquium at Amity University, Gurgaon in collaboration with University of Highlands and Islands, U.K. during 18-19th March, 2019.
  33. Information Technique, Market and Struggle of Multilingualism in National Conference on Language Pedagogy at Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer during 11-13rd December, 2019.
  34. Language Documentation and Reference of Devanagari Script in National Seminar on Documentation of Lesser-Known Languages: Deliberation and Medium at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore jointly organized by Central Hindi Institute, Agra during 12-13rd Feb, 2020.
  35. Discourse Analysis and Man-Machine Interface (online) in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Resilient Happy Society by Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Pune during 8– 9th January 2022.
  36. Translation and Translation Technology: A Career Perspective (online) in a special program organized by the Ravindranath Tagore University, Bhopal on 4th May 2022.
  37. Women’s Language in Linguistics (online) in a Refresher Course organized by HRDC, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong on 26th May 2022.
  38. The teaching of language and art in the era of artificial intelligence in a national seminar organized by Hindustani Academy and CMP College, Prayagraj, on 28th February 2024.
  39. Interdependence of Hindi and Indian languages in a national seminar organized by the Department of Hindi, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, on 18-19 Sep 2024.
  40. Globalization and Regional Languages: Opportunities and Challenges in a national seminar on 'Impact of Globalisation on Regional Languages and Cultures' organised by the University of North Bengal, New Jalpaiguri, on 18th December 2024.
  41. Man-Machine Interface and Multilingualism in the Bhasha Mela 2024, a national seminar on 'Multilingual Matters: Language as Sites of Empowerment and Recognition' organised by the Institute of Language Studies and Research (ILSR), West Bengal in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru, on 20th December 2024.

Participated (Selected)

  1. Workshop on Machine Translation System at C-DAC, NOIDA during 8-15th May, 2006.
  2. Workshop on Optical Character Recognizer System at C-DAC, NOIDA during 15-20th May 2006.
  3. Workshop on “Lexicon Building for Machine Translation” at C-DAC, Pune during 10-30th August, 2006.
  4. Workshop on “Vocabulary of Information Technology” organized by MGAHV, Wardha in collaboration with Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi during 14-16th September, 2006.
  5. Workshop on “Lexicon Resource Development for Machine Translation” at C-DAC, Pune during 26th March to 7th April-2007.
  6. National Seminar on “viśva maṃca para hiṃdī” (Hindi on international forum) organized by MGAHV, Wardha and Central Hindi Institute, Agra on 25th April, 2007.
  7. Participated in “Preparatory Summer School for New Linguistic Survey of India” organized by Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore during 30th May to 30th June, 2007.
  8. Workshop for Syllabus Designing of “Master in Informatics and Language Engineering” at MGAHV, Wardha during 7-8th March, 2009.
  9. National Seminar on Research Methodology organized by Research Forum, MGAHV, Wardha during 30th August to 1st September, 2009.
  10. Workshop on “Vocabulary of Social Sciences” organized by MGAHV, Wardha in collaboration with Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi during 14-16th September, 2009.
  11. Workshop on “Standard Hindi Pronunciation and Spelling” organized by MGAHV, Wardha during 9-10th March, 2010.
  12. Workshop on “Corpus Normalization” organized by LDC-IL, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore during 2-13th August, 2010.
  13. Workshop cum Training Program of English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT) conducted by Department of Linguistics, NEHU on 16th March, 2013 at Guwahati.
  14. Workshop cum Training Program of English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT) conducted by Department of Linguistics, NEHU during 18th March-4th April 2013.
  15. Intensive Course on Historical Linguistics, with special focus on South Asian Historical and Comparative Issues organized by CALTS, Hyderabad University, Hyderabad during 10th Feb – 1st March, 2014.
  16. Orientation Program on Bhojpuri and Janpadiya Study organized by Bhojpuri Study Centre, BHU, Varanasi during 7-21st August, 2015.
  17. 1st All India Cluster Meeting of CFEL Clusters on 6th October, 2015 at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal.
  18. International Conference on Syntactic Typology: Language Contact and Convergence organized by Department of Linguistics, NEHU, Shillong during 23-28th Nov, 2015.
  19. Southern Cluster Meeting of CFEL Cluster on 22nd February, 2016 at Gulbarga (Kalaburgi), Karnataka Central University.
  20. Workshop on ‘Language Documentation and Revitalization’ organized at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru during 26th Feb to 02nd March, 2018.
  21. Contributed in syllabus designing of M.Sc. Linguistics and Language Sciences at Central University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan on 6th April, 2019.
  22. Workshop on ‘Alternative Technical Education in Indian Languages 2019’ on 31st August 2019 and 01st September 2019 in IIIT, Pune.
  23. Participated in ‘English to Hindi Translation Sprint’ event in Sep 2020 conducted under National Language Translation Mission organized by TDIL, Govt. of India.
  24. Participated in Training, Interaction, and Academic Resource Collection Program on Endangered Languages of the Country at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru from 27th December 2021 to 13th January 2022.
  25. Contributed to National Focus Group - Language Education by an online workshop organized by RIE, Bhubaneswar during 6-10 June 2022.
  26. Contributed as member of Syllabus Review Committee for the Master Program at Department of Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, Odia University, Puri started since 2nd Oct, 2023.
  27. Contributed as a Resource Person in developing a policy document through the workshop titled “Development of a Teacher's Guidebook for Teachers teaching tribal and minority languages at the Middle Stage of School Education”, organised by NCERT, New Delhi, from 16-20 July 2024.
  28. Contributed as a resource person (online) in syllabus design for establishing a department of translation study at the School of Languages & Literatures, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur, on 11 October 2024.
  29. Contributed as a Resource Person in developing a policy document through the workshop titled “Development of a Teacher's Guidebook for Teachers teaching tribal and minority languages at the Middle Stage of School Education”, organised by NCERT, New Delhi, from 20-25 Oct 2024.

Books (Sole/Joint Authored and Translated)

  1. Sole Author: bhāṣā ke samakālīna saṃdarbha (Contemporary Aspects of Language); Sahitya Sangam, Allahabad, ISBN: 978-81-8097-157-0

  2. Co-author: bhāṣā-pāristhitikī : bhāratīya evaṃ vaiśvika pariprekṣya (Linguistic Ecology: Indian and World Scenario); Today and Tomorrow, Publication, New Delhi. ISBN: 81-70-194-91-1

  3. Co-author: Languages & Cultures on the Margin: Guidelines for field work on Endangered Languages; Timepass Publication, Bhubaneswar, ISBN: 9789387563322

  4. Sole Author: bhāṣā evaṃ ḍijiṭala lokataṃtra (Language and Digital Democracy); Today & Tomorrow’s Printer and Publishers, Delhi ISBN: 9788170196464.

  5. First Author: bhāṣāī varcasva evaṃ saṃkaṭa : saiddhāṃtika evaṃ vyāvahārika pakṣa (Linguistic Domination and Crisis: Theoretical and Practical Aspects); Prakrut Bharati Academy, Jaipur ISBN: 978-81-952891-4-1

  6. Co-author: Birhor: Language and Life; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-6-2.

  7. Sole Author: sūcanā-praudyogikī kī sāmājikī (Sociology of Information Technology); Prakrut Bharati Academy, Jaipur ISBN: 978-9392317-18-7

  8. Translator: alpasaṃkhyaka bhāṣā evaṃ saṃskṛti : bhāratīya saṃkaṭagrasta bhāṣāoṃ ke sarvekṣaṇa hetu nirdeśikā (Languages & Cultures on the Margin: Guidelines for field work on Endangered Languages); The Marginalized Publication, Delhi, ISBN: 9789387441293

Books (Co-edited)

  1. Co-editor: Translation as Man Machine Enterprise; Eastern Book House, Guwahati, ISBN: 978-93-83-252-46-6

  2. Co-editor: bhāṣā, samaya evaṃ saṃvāda (Language, time and dialogue); Today and Tomorrow, Publication, New Delhi. ISBN: 81-7019-568-4

  3. Co-editor: Ways with Language; Lakshi Publishers & Distributers, Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-82120-99-5

  4. Co-editor: Indian Languages and Cultures: A Debate; The Marginalized Publication, Delhi ISBN: 9789387441316

  5. Co-editor: ākāṃkṣī bhāratīya bhāṣā evaṃ saṃskṛti : eka vimarśa (Indian Languages and Cultures: A Debate); The Marginalized Publication, Delhi ISBN : 9789387441309.

  6. Co-editor: Linguistic Endangerment: Languages and Perspectives; Nayee Kitab Prakashan, Delhi ISBN: 978-93-92998-01-0.

  7. Co-editor: Bibliography of Marginal Indian Languages; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-2-4.

  8. Co-editor: Bibliography of Indian Landscapes; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-4-8.

  9. Co-editor: Marginal Languages and Landscapes of West Bengal: Through Bibliographic Inventories; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-7-9.

Dictionaries and Fieldwork Tools (Co-edited)

  1. Co-editor: Lexicon Set for Data Collection: An Exercise Book for Studying Marginal Languages of West Bengal; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-3-1.

  2. Co-editor: English-Hindi-Bangla-Koda Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-0-0.

  3. Co-editor: Koda-Bangla-Hindi-English Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-1-7.

  4. Co-editor: Lexicon Set for Data Collection: An Exercise Book for Studying Marginal Languages of Hindi Areas; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-5-5.

  5. Co-editor: English-Hindi-Bangla-Mahali Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-8-6.

  6. Co-editor: Mahali-Bangla-Hindi-English Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-957226-9-3.

  7. Co-editor: Bangla-Koda-Mahali Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-972382-3-9.

  8. Co-editor: Kurukh-Bangla-Hindi-English Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-972382-5-3.

  9. Co-editor: English-Hindi-Bangla-Kurukh Dictionary; Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan ISBN: 978-81-972382-0-8.

Selected Book Chapters

  1. Named Entity Recognition: A Knowledge Based Paradigm (one contributor) in Translation as Man Machine Enterprise (eds.), Eastern Book House, Guwahati. ISBN 978-93-83-252-46-6
  2. prokti-viśleṣaṇa kā vartamāna saṃdarbha (Present Context of Discourse Analysis) in bhāṣā evaṃ bhāṣāvijñāna : eka dṛṣṭi (Ed.), Bharatiya Vidya Sansthan, Varanasi. ISBN 978-93-81-189-37-35
  3. bhāṣā, samaya evaṃ saṃvāda kā saca (Language, Time and Truth of Dialogue) one contributor in bhāṣā, samaya evaṃ saṃvāda (Eds.), Today & Tomorrow’s Printer and Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 81-7019-568-4.
  4. bhārata kā bhāṣāī bhū-paridṛśya : sāmayika evaṃ sāpekṣika saca (Linguistic Landscape of India : Occasional and Relative Truth) one contributor in bhāṣā, samaya evaṃ saṃvāda (Eds.), Today & Tomorrow’s Printer and Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 81-7019-568-4.
  5. Hindi Lexicography: A Joint Venture of Man and Machine, one contributor in Translation: Try Thy Metaphor (eds.), Lakshi Publishers & Distributors, Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-82120-94.
  6. Hindi lexicography in the internet era, one contributor in The Routledge Handbook of Lexicography (ed.), Routledge, Taylor & Francis, U.S.A. ISBN: 978-1-138-94160-1
  7. Migration and Language Endangerment: Some inputs from West Bengal, one contributor (eds.), The Marginalized Publication, Delhi ISBN: 9789387441316.
  8. Measuring Linguistic Endangerment in India: A Parametric Approach in Linguistic Endangerment: Languages and Perspectives (eds.) Nayee Kitab Prakashan, Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-92998-01-0.
  9. Challenges of Language Survival in Digital Perspectives: Case and Context of India, The Routledge Handbook of Endangered and Minority Languages (Eds.),Routledge, Taylor & Francis, U.S.A. ISBN: 9781032574288

Selected Papers in Journals

  1. prokti evaṃ bhāṣā-praudyogikī (Discourse and Language Technology) in Bhasha Nov-Dec 2013, Central Hindi Directorate, New Delhi. ISSN: 0523-1418
  2. bhāṣā, bhārata evaṃ bhāratīyatā (Language, India and Indianness) in Purvottar Bharati Darpan Vol. 2 Jan-2014, Arunachal Pradesh. ISSN: 2347-6931.
  3. ḍeṭā ke pravāha meṃ bahatī nijatā eka baḍaa saṃkaṭa hai (Flowing privacy in the flow of data is a major crisis) in Vagarth, Vol-292, November-2019, Kolkata ISSN: 2394-1723.
  4. hiṃdī prokti evaṃ anvādeśa : kārpasa ādhārita eka adhyayana (Hindi Discourse and Anaphora : A Corpus Based Study) in Gaveshna-118/2019 Central Hindi Institute, Agra. ISSN: 0435-1460
  5. prokti ke saṃgaṇakīya saṃracaka (Computational Constituents of Discourse) in Madhya Bharati - 78/January-June 2020 Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar. ISSN: 0974-0066
  6. bhāratīya bhāṣā viśvavidyālaya : sapanoṃ kī uḍāna (Indian Languages University: Dream Flight) in Patahar 5/4-October- December 2020. ISSN: 2456-0413
  7. Coordinated a debate on “rāṣṭravāda evaṃ saṃkaṭagrasta bhāṣāeṁ” (Nationalism and Endangered Languages) for Vagarth, Vol-304, Kolkata ISSN: 2394-1723.
  8. Language Revitalisation through Digital Economy in Journal of Asian Arts, Culture and Literature (JAACL) VOL 3, NO 2: JUNE 2022.
  9. Language Revitalization: The NEP-2020. Language and Language Teaching, Vidya Bhawan Society. Jaipur, India: Vol 11, No. 2, Issue 22, pp.96-104, JUNE 2022. ISSN:2277-307X
  10. bhāratīya bahubhāṣikatā kā prabaṃdhana evaṃ devanāgarī (Management of Indian multilingualism and Devanagari) in Gaveshna-131/2023 Central Hindi Institute, Agra. ISSN: 0435-1460
  11. ḍijiṭala bājāra aura bhāṣā-praudyogikī (Digital Market and Language Technology) in Bhasha March-April 2023 62/2 (307), Central Hindi Directorate, New Delhi. ISSN: 0523-1418

Media Writings

    Actively engaged in media writing and published more than 60 language based articles, interviews and reports in Hindi newspapers and websites such as Lokmat Samachar, DNA, Amar Ujala, Jansatta and India Todays group etc.

Research, Resource and Project Contribution

  1. Surveyor: Data collection of Awadhi for Speech to Text at LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysuru (60 days).
  2. Contributor: Data collection of Hindi Text corpus at LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysuru during 2007-09. 
  3. Teacher: Taught M.A. and Phil. Language Technology syllabus as a Research Scholar at MGAHV, Wardha.
  4. Translator: Translated Annual Report: 2009-10 of MGIRI, Wardha from English to Hindi.
  5. Editor: Editing a peer reviewed web research journal (HindiTech)  since 2010.
  6. Researcher: An online Hindi spell checker in 2012.
  7. Researcher: An online part of speech (POS) tagger   with its own tag-set in 2012.
  8. Surveyor:  Participated in a pilot study in many districts of West Bengal and Jharkhand for marginal linguistic & cultural data collection.
  9. Examiner: Evaluating/Paper setting of M.A. Linguistics/Translation etc. exams of several Central Universities.
  10. Member: Contributed at various levels in designing and developing the Detailed Project Report for the establishment of the Department of Linguistics at Visva-Bharati.
  11. Researcher: Designed the architecture and methodologies of the web portal and Mobile App of the same for the Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati.

Membership of Academic/Administrative Committee

  1. Member of Debating Society and Website Development Committee of MGAHV, Wardha.
  2. Special Invitee Member of School Board (School of Languages), MGAHV, Wardha.
  3. Convener Member of Criteria Deciding Committee at Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
  4. Co-organizer of an academic event entitled ‘sabaal : Substantiating, Blending and Augmenting Linguistics’ at Hindi Bhavan, New Delhi on 23rd April, 2017.
  5. Member of Permanent Translation Cell of Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
  6. Member of Organizing Committee of a National Seminar organized by BARC, Mumbai at Visva-Bharati during 17-18th Nov, 2017.
  7. Member of Review Board in International Journal of Linguistics & Computing Research.
  8. Convener, Scrutiny Committee for Field Enumerators at CFEL, Visva-Bharati during 24th June, 2018.
  9. Worked as Judge in a Debate Competition at MGAHV, Kolkata on 14th March, 2019.
  10. Convener, Advisory Committee of CFEL, Visva-Bharati from 8th April, 2019.
  11. Convener and Member, Technical Evaluation Committee of a Tender of CFEL, Visva-Bharati in 2019.
  12. Member of Academic Council (Alumni) at MGAHV, Wardha.
  13. Contributed to Detailed Project Report Committee for the establishment of the Department of Linguistics at Visva-Bharati.
  14. Reviewer of the full papers of an ‘International Conference on AI for Resilient Happy Society’ at IIIT, Pune.
  15. Worked as Proctor in Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) organized by Japan Foundation at Visva-Bharati on 5th Dec 2021.
  16. In-charge: Departmental Quality Assurance Cell (DQAC) of Centre for Endangered Languages, Visva-Bharati.
  17. Worked as a member of review committee for syllabus of master program of Department of Linguistics and Natural Language Processing at Odia University, Puri, Odisha in 2023.
  18. Policy document titled “Development of a Teacher's Guidebook for Teachers teaching tribal and minority languages at the Middle Stage of School Education”, for NCERT, New Delhi.

Role in Professional/Academic Body

  1. Lifetime Member of Linguistic Society of India (Registration No.34/2013)
  2. Lifetime Member of Shillong Academic Society (Registration No.2014)
  3. Chairperson of Bhasha-Manthan Charitable Trust (Registration ref.IV/80/023)

  • Father’s Name: Late. Shri Prem Shankar Tripathi
  • Mother’s Name: Late. Smt. Sunita Devi
  • Wife’s Name: Dr. Mohini Tripathi
  • Daughter’s Name: Bauddhika Tripathi
  • Blood Group: AB+

Ranks & Awards

  • 1st Rank at college level in High School, U.P.Board examination.

  • 2nd & Silver Medal for M.A. examination.

  • 1st & Gold Medal in M. Phil. examination.

Permanent Address

  1. Village: Kandhrapur, Post: Kamalsagar, Distt: Mau, Uttar Pradesh, India PIN-221602
  2. 'Prem Sadan' Mawai Kala, Mugalsarai, Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh, India PIN-232101

Kolkāta, India;

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